Thursday, October 29, 2009

I found a new one!

So I thought about what should I get for my public record? Who did I immediately think of? Believe it or not my father. He is a court security officer down at the federal courthouse. So when it came time to do a trial..well..that was easy...but I was still confused about the public record. Did I want to drive down to the county clerks office? No..not really... I had already heard a bunch of people were doing the M.E's did I do that? No....So I simply asked my father.."Dad, is there any place in this building I can obtain a public record?" He quickly responded.."Sure let's go to the 2ND floor to the clerk's office."
To my surprise I had no clue that the federal court had their own clerks office. There I was able to obtain the indictment for the court trial that I had just sat in on, and lucky for me with my own connections...I did not have to pay a dime! Luckily my father has a lot of friends. Immediately I thought, is it okay that I did this? Will I get in trouble for having my father help me? But I thought to myself...If I were a reporter...I would still use my father as a reference, and as a tool, so I do not think there was a problem with that. And It was needless to was all a very pleasant experience!

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