Thursday, October 15, 2009

Steve...what can I say? You are the man!

Since the first day of class and Prfoessor Thelen passed out our syllabus, I had been waiting for this field trip. Not to be a suck up or anything, but I have been watching Steve on News Channel 8 for as long as I can remember. I do believe when you think of investigative reporting in Tampa Bay, Steve is the face you think of. His credability and overall understanding of how to report and uncover things is something every person can learn from.

Steve is such a down to earth person. He has done a lot to uncover things in Tampa bay, and he does not boast about it. He stated "you need to know how to work with people, and that does mean you need to be a jerk about it." He stressed that we need to remain respectful no matter what case or people we may deal with.

He went on to tell how how to go about investigating a story. He used the theory of everything is a "puzzle" and all we need to do are find the missing pieces. He told us that we should always have 3 strong questions to fire off at the beginning of any interview, and we have a bad memory as he does, to write them down!

He encouraged us to listen what the people have to say, because that way we can open people up to us and what we are doing, and possibly get them to say things they wouldnt necessary say if they feel as if we were attacking them.

Overall, I was extremely happy with the field trip and I really learned a lot. For me, being a broadcast news major, this field trip really helpped me to really see what I could be doing one day. Thanks a lot Steve!

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